Friday, October 12, 2007

Devon in DC

I had a fabulous week of classes and still cannot believe it has been more than a month living in Spain!

Well, I was planning on studying abroad in Argentina next semester, but when I looked into the program more and the location, it was not what I wanted, so I was bummed since I can only go through USF sponsored programs. So I was like I will apply to this cool international studies program in DC at American University for the spring, it is still kinda like a study abroad- but domestic. So I did the easy application with an essay and attached my resume not expecting a lot because only five people get accepted every semester. But, I was looking at my inbox in gmail, and no new mail since I last checked. I paused then saw a new email from USF saying CONGRATS, you got into the program!!!

I am sooooo excited to study at American University next semester. I am going to be in this intense program with an internship with a non profit or in the government and take classes on foriegn policy, this is the program I want:

*International Law and Organizations—Explore the nature of international law in interstate relations by studying the activities, and performance of major global organizations in areas such as: security and terrorism, international trade and economic development, the environment, human rights, and humanitarian assistance. In addition to your time in Washington, you will spend three weeks visiting the United Nations in New York City, the International Court of Justice at The Hague, and NATO and the European Union in Brussels.

That sounds so amazing to me! So I told my host woman who I live with, Conchi, who is so great, and she was like oh how lucky. Then she was telling me how I am always welcome here in her place no matter when or with no notice! So that is such great news too, we are getting along very well, although she is still feeding me so much my stomache is always always full!

I am headed to London tomorrow morning, friday until monday, I am stoked! I am meeting a friend from high school who is studying there and will stay with her Friday night, then my friend Maile from SF who goes to Paul Mitchell Beauty school is in London learning so we are hanging out all day Saturday then I am staying with her and then on Sunday I am meeting the British boys from Italy to hang out and I am going to have coffee with Paul, the British guy I met when I was in Munich before comign to Spain in September. This is going to be quite a weekend!

Well check out the website for the semester in DC if you want to:


  1. Devon...Congratulations on your acceptance into the DC program. It sounds awesome for you. I am so proud of you, seeking out and enjoying all of these wonderful experiences. You deserve all the very best.
    love, Janet

  2. Hi Devon,
    Congrats, you lucky dog! Wishing you great times in all those wonderful places.
    Mary Ellen

  3. Hi Devon,
    Hope you're feeling better and back on the road! Enjoyed reading about your travels in Northern Spain and London.
    Mary Ellen
    Ps Matt is cute!
