Wednesday, June 30, 2010

BP's MASSIVE oil spill

Not only am I deeply disgusted by the oil spill that continues to leak 60+ days after the start of it, my organization, Global Exchange, has a full campaign against our dependence on oil fighting Chevron headquarted here in the bay area. While so many human rights and nature based rights are being violated continually and all these issues are very heavy, there are times when you have to take a step back and laugh. Point being- we are criticizing and holding BP and our government accountable but also laughing at how horribly wrong this is going. Because if you cannot laugh at the way life is and ourselves....why do we laugh at all?

check it out:

Kings of Odessa

As I read the novel Kings of Odessa written about Issac Babel, the great Odessan writer, and his life, I prepare to go to Odessa to see my brother. With names like Nadya and Natasha I am excited to see a whole new culture in eastern europe- one of the many places I have not been. I cannot wait to see my brother. I leave July 15th and will be with him for only a couple days but I am sure I will cry when I see him. I am so excited to meet his girlfriend Masha and all his friends that he opened his hostel with.

From Odessa I will head straight to Nairobi to meet up with my mentor Wanjiru and other interns and members of Akili Dada's Board of Directors for our 10 day strategic planning conference on where to take the organization in the next 5 years.

I can't wait! See you August 1st when I come back!

Waimanalo with Jane, again!

The second time I got to go to Honolulu in 6 months...I know what you are thinking. Yes, yes but thanks to my mom and her 25 years she dedicated to United Airlines (which is now merging with continental and will have their ugly logo by the by) I can fly standby. So Jane let me sleep in, relax, and have such a great time after the last week of May where I worked about 75 hours up until the Human Rights Awards. We went horseback riding with her friends, we got mochi, went to Lucy's for the Ahi Tower (that Obama got when he was in Hawaii), had a 2 hour yoga session, went swimming, baked in the sun on her waimanalo beach, saw hot surfers at beach park, went to a hula party, shopped for Jack Johnson's new CD, did girly make up shopping, cook amazing food, saw peal harbor on memorial day, and went out for drinks, in addition to one of the greatest things- Jane counseled me on my decision to go to graduate school since I was so torn whether or not I should defer for a year or just go. I had such a fabulous time Jane- thank for taking me under your wing, loving me, and not letting me worry about a thing!

Global Exchange and the Human Rights Awards

It has been a while I know, but I think I will pick up where I left off at work. I have been at Global Exchange in the mission now for about three months and I am feeling right at home. Not only is my supervisor, Corey, really great to work with (he is about 1 of 6 guys I swear, that works in the office of about 25+ women!) but I am really liking the work I do to support the organization. I am getting the experience I wanted and getting to know some really great people. My department, Devo as we call it, short for the Development Department, is truly the best in my department (sorry Reality Tours you are cool too!). Last month Corey, Anne, Ashley, and myself put on our 8th Annual Human Rights Awards Gala and it was a huge SUCCESS! With over 330 people in attendance, we had a silent auction, Fair Trade wine and beer, a great program with three great human rights honorees: Van Jones, Raul del Aguila, and Mu Sochua from Camnbodia. Great organizations such as the Global Fund for Women, the Rainforest Action Network, CODEPINK, and Food First were among many of our progressive and dedicated attendees. I ran the silent auction which was quite the experience and coordinated all the donations to GX. With the positive attitude and strong team work and support- it felt like a breeze-- though we did work about 75 hours+ the weeks of the event. For a recent college graduate, that was quite the experience! I really enjoyed and am happy I did it and it is over- now we are preparing for next years!

Since the HRA, my work has transitioned to other supportive needs of the department. We have a great Grants Coordinator who I have really connected with, and a funny Membership Coordinator, and a kick in the pants for our Major Gifts Officer. These three individuals, including my superviros, Corey, and the Director of the department who hired me, and I have been working most closely together and have really made my time and work great in many aspects. From the stories to the travel experiences shared to talking about everyday things in life and just laughing at ourselves- it's great. I don't mind the commute of an hour in the morning because one I get to read and adjust mentally that I will be in a great city coming from the burbs and two because I work for a really strong and amazing NGO. My current project I am working is researching foundations along with the support of the grants coordinator and a fabulous intern, Molly. This will last until my last day August 13th!! Everyone at work, especially Corey, Ashley, and Beth have been sooo supportive with such great life advice so....

That's right I said it- I am leaving after almost 5 months at GX because....


I got accepted to Brandeis University in Boston ad I will be going for my Masters of Arts in Sustainable International Development with hopes of working for an international nonprofit dealing with providing education and working again social injustices for kids. I am really happy to have taken this year off from school. I learned more about myself in Europe, my family and my relationship with them at home, and developed my skills and built relationships and networks at work. I will miss the city soooo much and all my friends who stayed after we graduated but I know I will be back to the Bay Area because its where I want to end up. Having tutored and babysat this whole year, I have loved spending time with kids and being a positive role model and as much as I want my own kids, I want to be an aunty first (John get on it!) and have my career established! But babysitting for Audrey and Courtney and Georgia and Charlotte has been so much fun but now its time to get serious (and cold!) Boston HERE I COME!!