Sunday, August 3, 2008

Home Safe and Sound

I got home last night after a three hour flight from Managua to Houston and a four hour lay over and then another 2 and half hour flight to San Francisco. The whole tim eI was thinking about NIcaragua and all the great adventures I had. I am so sad not to speak and hear spanish all the time now. It was great seeing my whole family a the airport though. Even bailey my dog was in the car. The last two weeks in Nicaragua flew by, there is no way i could explain everything so I will be putting up pictures so you can see for yourself! I am glad to be back in california, but will miss everything about the last three months. I called my host Mom Dona Maura last night when i got in and she practically screamed she was so excited to hear from me. She ssaid ohhh my doll I am so glad you are with your parents and safe...It is amazing how I made my life there for three months, my job, my family and my friends and that tim will never be forgotten!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I just typed FSD and Nicaragua into google and your blog showed up. I realize that's kinda creepy - sorry.

    Anyway, I'm thinking about interning with FSD sometime in the near future. I spent last summer in Nica doing a community development internship in a beach community just beyond Jiquilillo (~1hr from Chinandega). I totally fell in love with the place, which I bet you can understand. Anyway, I'm writing here because I'm wondering if you'd be able to up for sharing any feedback on your experience with FSD.

    My e-mail address is
