Friday, July 25, 2008

My last two weeks in Nica

So much has happened...the revolution celebration was last saturday and thousands of people were at the plaza celebrating, some of my friends went and said that the President spoke and a bunch of the presidents from other latin american countries were there like, from paraguay, guatemala, honduras, costa rica and venezuela as well as the wife and daughter of Che Guevara. He is a augusto Sandino are huge revolutionary figures here. Their faces and names are on everything here.

That day, I spent it with a friend named Anabelsy and her family. She actually work with FSD as kinda a program assistant and is 22 years old and adorble, she speaks english but is very shy. I am happy we spent like 8 hours together sharing pictures watching La Patito Feo, a show with the famous song here Patito feo. That and the Divina song is very popular, I hear them both at least once a day. She has three sisters, and since I have none it was really fun talking with them and getting to know them. It felt good speaking in spanish the whole time.

This week, I went to evaluations of my organization that happens twice a year and every department reviews what has happened in the last semester, in the last six months. I definitely feel like I know my organization very well which makes it even harder to leave. We watched two inspirational movies (in english with spanish subtitles which was nice for me) called the Secret about the secret of life and one called the Cosmic Universe. They bohth really related to our work in being motivated in life and forming connections since the whole world a universe is connected. It was interesting too, at the start of each day we all help hands in a circle and prayed. I am not very religious but I participated and it was very intense, religion is a huge part of their lives here. Wednesday night I went out with Fanny, she is one of the granddaughters of Doña Maura, my host mom. She is so adorble and I love hanging out with her. We went to see the movie Hancock at plaza inter, one of the centers in managua, and we shopped around. She is 23 and so sweet. She was like I am free, she has a two and ahalf year old son named gabriel who she cares for while the father works all day but since mauricio, the father has this week off for vacation she was able to go out with me. Then we had pizza hut dinner which was a treat for her since she mostly eats gallo pinto too. Since i invited her out, i felt like i should pay and since I can and have the means to, she was very grateful and I am gonig to be so sad to leave her. Especially since we are still jsut getting to know eachother now. If I coudl bring one person home with me, I would bring her!

Then after dinner I met my friends at a nice mall called Las Galerias where we all went to this club called Moods. Needless to say it was ladies night and I paid nothign the whole night it was amazing! There were like ten of us and it was a blast! Though I was tired the next day!

Today Friday, we have out last meeting in Managua with the entire group of FSD and all the interns. It is for a talk we are having on the Novemeber elections in Nicaragua. Then we will all eat together after and probably go out again.

Since this is my last week I have plans almost every night to see everyone I knwo and say goodbye. I also ordered a chocolate cake today for my family to celebrate the last night before I leave. Saturday night I have plans with Gabi and Lesbia my coworkers for dinner and dancing in Managua. Sunday morning I am going to church with Fanny for the first time then I want to do some shopping in the market with her. I want to buy some presents for people here. Like the neighborhood kids play soccer with this old deflated ball, so I want to buy them a new one and like a new toothbrush for Osmar, my host brother since he loves brushing his teeth. Then monday I am goin again to las comarcas with my supervisor nelly and then am going to her house for dinner. Tuesday I am eating dinner at Fannys house just to spend more time with her. Then another coworker convinced me to go out to dinner with her on wednesday and thursday is jonnys birthday, a cousin of the house I live in and that is also my last night so we will eat cake....sad.

Well, have a good weekend!!

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