Wednesday, February 11, 2009


So funny story....

Over break my wonderful Aunt Kit and Uncle Tom took care of our wonderful dog, Bailey, while my parents were in Florida during Christmas. She had him for two weeks and wouldn't give him back! Well, she eventually did but she totally fell in love with him (he is a fabulous dog if I say so my self). He is well trained (thanks to me) and so loving and loyal and loves the park, balls and jumping. After the death of my aunt's dog some time ago, Bailey has become the new Davey Family dog. This has been great, he loves going to my grandparents house in Los Altos HIlls and running around chasing ground squirrels and loves the hikes he goes on with my aunt like 5 TIME A DAY. No busy seriously, my aunt takes him for walks twice a day, sometimes they go hiking, he always plays with other dogs, he get special chicken based dog food (which I can't make) from my uncle, he sits on her lap while she watches TV, she taught him all these tricks, and my aunt even rented the Dog Whisperer and learned Ceasar's secret techniques to communicate better. How can I compete with that? So it gets better...after my aunt brought Bailey home after "dog sitting" (which means dog napping him from us to spend quality time with him) for a few hours, she brings him home and has two surprises for us. My whole family is sitting in our living room and my aunt and uncle just barge in as if it were their house (and since bailey, our guard dog, usually barks when someone comes to the door, we had no clue who was coming into our house) and brings our dog in smelling like SKUNK!! Then after we hear the stories about him getting sprayed in the face, and how she cleaned him with hydrogen peroxide and baking sods (so it looks like he got highlights) she said he came back from playing at the park without his collar, so he had a different collar on with no tags!! What a actually the truth is that it has been great sharing our dog and having our family enjoy such an amazing dog. But how funny is that....I think the next two worst things to happen to a borrowed dog (after it dying or getting hit by a car) is it coming home smelling like skunk and getting its collar lost.

I love you aunt Kit!!!

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