Saturday, August 8, 2009

Three Stitches Later...

What a day, Friday the 7th. My last day on the boat in Menorca and everything started out well. We were going to this great beach where you can only get there by boat and I went out to catch fish with the five grandkids on the motor boat that the grandfather wqas driving while the moms were swimming there. So we were dropped off, I had Moni and Alex who are 7 and 5 then the three older ones, 10 and 12, and I start to follow them in the water on the sand because I dont have my aqua socks on like they do, when all of a sudden, I slip on a rock and I feel a little pinch. I look to make sure I didn´t gash my foot open....and oh I actually did gash my foot open. WHile telling the two small ones to stay close to me so they dont fall, I sit on a rock and access the sitch. It started bleeding a lot and I saw a cut about two inches wide and a maybe 4 milimeters deep. So I kept my foot on the rock and started signaling to the boat for help (which we had decided earlier that week would be pounding on your head with both hands as a joke). But since the parents were so happy to get a small break from the kids and all 15 of us cooped up on the boat, it took maybe ten minutes for the small motor boat to come back to me, after flagging it down for a good amount of time.

So I get back to the big boat and Pablo, my family here´s brother in law who is on the boat with us tell everyone to back up, while Ana, Gemma´s sister is running away from me at the sight of a lot of blood, then after being interrogated in spanish about what happen (and me explainning there was a big rock hidden in the sand that i slipped on) pablo cleaned the wound, accessed the situation and told all the kids that he would have to cut off a toe....

After the kids screamed and calmed down and were really nice to me, he said he was kidding but that it was a profound cut. (Note to self, and this is no exaggeration, Pablo works in a good hospital in Barcelona as the director of a team of foot and heel specialists and he is known as the best surgeon in Spain in his specialty...lucky me!) So he said I would need we took a nice little trip a few hours later to the centro de salud and he stiched me up no problem with no questions asked and after a little anasthesia and three stitches and a little limping he said I would be good to go in two weeks.

After ten minutes in the centro we came back to boat and yo estaba curada...i was cured thanks to Pablo. All the kids we at my beck and call instead of the other way around...well for about an hour. But today I am taking it easy at home while everyone spends their last say on the boat adn then we leave for Barce tomorrow all day on a big boat and then on Monday we head to CerdaƱa in the mountains.

Not the best day ever, but it could have been much worse...THANKS PABLO!!

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