Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Long time No type or Skype

I know it has been forever since I have written...I promise I will catch you up on everything since my Bday September 20th and my crazy adventures of living at home again, but before I do....

I was laughing so hard because my brother was talking to a credit card company with him in the Ukraine via our home to a squeaky sounding man at a call center in who knows where.

John "Can you hear me now?"
Squeaky Asian Man "I am sorry how do you spell your last name?"
John "You know what maybe we should do this another time. I will call back."
Squeaky sounding man far away "Sir, since I have you on the phone now, it is in your best interest to sign up right now..."
Annoyed John "Fine. It is DAVEY. D-A-V-E-Y. not baby."

Hilarious. So here is the back story.

John calls my dads computer by the kitchen on skype and this nice "floating to heaven" ring tone starts. So I am cooking hard boiled eggs when I answer John's call to my dad. He is on speak phone on our desk top so the whole house can really hear him. We start talking, then MJ comes in and brings in this whole credit card business and they call the credit card man while I am intermittently talking to him while MJ runs to her office to get information for the call. Then we are interrupted and MJ is talking to the call center guy, then John, then just John and the guy. So MJ and I are standing by our computer by the kitchen while John is on speakerphone on skype in the Ukraine talking to a call center guy in India probably on speaker phone on our home phone, and all through our own call center in Atherton. So anyways, MJ and I are just laughing about this situation trying not to interrupt the sound quality between these two guys talking on opposite ends of the world.

I love technology! and I love you John!! haha

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