Saturday, June 21, 2008

I Love the Rain!!!

Last Thursday night I kinda had the realization of my situation in Nicaragua now. I am lucky to feel very comfortable with my family here, being a vegetarian is very easy since they do not have a lot of money for meat anyways, and the food is good. My job this last week has been really great and I don´t feel weighed down at all (as I did when I arrived knowing I had to create and implement my own sustainable project that meets a need in the community all in two months in another language)and I really like the people I am here with. They are great support to have. My parents, the few times I have talked with them, have supported me through everything. I am feeling pretty good about my spanish abilities and communication with strangers and friends here is always exciting, though there is a lot to improve on still. I love the little idiosyncracies Nicaraguans have here. Like the words they use for certain things that I have never heard before, like Chela or Chavala or Barron they use for girls adn guys. I love how there is some sort of music playing everywhere you go no matter what hour and I have even come to accept and become accostomed to the neighborhood dogs barking at all hours. At work, it is great to work closely with this Austrian woman, Gabriela, who is so smart and really understands me. She is dating the director at the school we work at and it is pretty cute to see them together. Then Gabbie´s best friend at the school is her boyfriend, the directors sister who is the librarian. Literally everyone seems to be connected somehow in this town! Everyone knows everyone! Then when I woke up on Friday morning it was rainning. There is nothing better than waking up to rain the morning! The sound sis so great on the zinc roofs here. I could definitely see myself living here for six months or a year working at my organization and mantaining the friendships I have made. But then again after traveling for a year I am still really excited to go home to San Francisco and see my friends.


  1. i'm excited to see you!!!!!!!!! only another 1.5 months. te quiero mucho, chica

  2. Devon, I'm comng to Atherton 29 July.
    When will you return home?
    Love you, GM
