Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Weekend in Granada

So I know I still need to write about the last two weeks of my job and life in Nicaragua but I am in Granada right now and wanted to share my experience here with you first. So my friends from the program, Katie (who has been here for about six months working as an intern( and Jolie, Wade and Emily and I made a weekend trip to Granada which is just about an hour south of Managua.

It is known for beign a cute little colonial town by the Lago Nicaragua. We arrived yesterday, Saturday, for lunch. We stayed at this hotel for international travels called Libertad. There are hammocks everywhere and it is a nice open place. Anyways, we went to an international restaurant called Tercer Ojo and had yummy pasta with spinache and mushrooms. Eating out is so nice because the waiters are on nicaraguan time, so it is always a couple hour adventure. Getting the check will take from between ten to thirty minutes...the pace is nice and slow here, it is great. Then we visited a cathedral de San Francisco with a little outdoor museum.

The buildings here are beautiful colors, bright blues and light hues. Then we walked around the parque central and looked at all the stands of jewlery handmade and had ice cream we bought from the little carts men push with bells on them. There is a huge beautiful yellow cathedral on the parque central or sometimes called parque colon that is enourmous and ominous. I will have to put up pictures later, it is just I don't have anyway of downloading them onto computers here. Then we walked around and sat at a few outdoor cafes and had Tona and Victoria they local beers. After a light dinner of quesadillas we ended up doing dancing to an interesting Nicaraguan club. That is the sum of Saturday. Then today, Sunday, we woke up around ten and went to Kathy's Waffle House. After having Gallo Pinto for everymeal since I have gotten to Nicaragua, which is beans and rice mixed together, I craved pancakes and frenchtoast. There were definitely a lot of gringos there. Then we walked past the parque central to La iglesia de la Mercaed, another beautiful church adn walked to the top of the bell tower and say such an amazing view of Granada with a great breeze.

It is pretty hot here. Then we wanted to see the lake so we walked along the water for a little bit and decided to take a boat ride in a private ten passenger boat aroudn the islands in the area. There are 365, we only saw maybe a dozen but they were very pretty and some populated with monkeys. Prices are great here, I maybe spent 40 dollars this weekend. It was definitely a great break from Ciudad Sandino. Hasta luego...Saludos

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