Thursday, July 30, 2009


We have been here since Sunday and it has been great! It is sunny everyday, and usually hot which is perfect for swimming, and we are mostly outside the whole day. Gemma has two sisters, and they each have two kids and a husband, so with the six adults, six kids, the grandparents, myself and another american friend staying with one of the sisters we are like a huge sicilian family aboard their little yatch boat out on the mediterranean. Its great out of the five days we have been we have been out on the boat for four of them leaving at 11 and coming back around 5,6 or 7. We have lunch after the kids on the top deck, of three, and go swimming on and off all day lon gin the ocean. Yesterday we took the little motor boat out to tour a cave, and we took some coffee on the beach, and did a little snorkeling. The views have been spectacular...I will post pics soon I promise I just have to work out some connections issues, plus being outside means little time on the computer...i love it! We are eating so well too, the other day I had the most amazing paella and of course vine and cava is great too!

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