Monday, July 20, 2009

My First Great Weekend

After Harry Potter on Saturday, on Sunday we started the day out right...making a chocolate cake in the morning. It was a little bit of a disaster with the girls dropping sugar and both wanting to mix everything and trying to convert different measurements since they use different ones than in the US, but it was fun. We went swimming in their pool while the girls impatiently waited and every fiveminutes for thirty five minutes claudia asked me "pero cuanto minutos mas irene" how much longer (they call me irene because its much easier to say then devon). It finally turned out okay and the family ended up liking it. After lunch we played a while in their play room then took a little tour of the town Tiana...its very old and beautiful. We went to the club of the town where there is pool and a restraunt in this beautiful old building. We ran into Gemma´s cousin and their family and then her sister, she grew up in Barcelona so her family is everywhere. After swimming, we walked back to her parent´s house which is very close to their and they have a pool as well, so there the girls went swimming with their cousins, at the third pool of the day. So our little walking tour of the swimming pools was fun and at each place I met more of the family. Apparently everyone is excited to meet me too because Mark, the girl´s cousin who is 9 or so kept askign for a playdate with Claudia because he wanted to meet me...same with two of Claudia´s best boy friends. These Spanish kids are seriously so cute!

I still have to put up pictures but I don´t have wireless on my computer where my pictures are so I will try to do it soon.

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