Monday, September 19, 2011

Celebrating Mexico

Mexico celebrated 201 years on the 16th of September and I celebrated along with her. They call it the "Grito" here. There was a huge festival in the center of town but I ended up going to a house party of the best friend of my good friend Susy. We brought Tequila and celebrated well! Though the celebration really started at work on Thursday when the social worker, Mario, organized a ceviche lunch with clams and muscles- we cooked half the day.

On Friday, I stayed over for a staycation at Susy's house along with three of her five brtohers who live with her and her parents and Carlos, who is my age and a veterinarian, made pancakes (aka hotcakes) and eggs and fruit. It is nice to see some liberal gentleman in my generation who cook. Then, Susy's two other brothers Ramon and Ismael (26 and 21) and she and I ended up going to Jocotepe where lake Chapala is just outside GDL. We went for some really good burritas and drinks called Vampiro- its quite the process.

Then we ended up going to the University of Guadalajara Leones Negros soccer game. The real team of GDL is Las Chivas but soccer of all levels is appreciated here.

On Saturday, Susy and I wanted to go to the beach, but with each of us without a car, we decided to take the busy to Teuchtitlan which is an hour outside the city to hike up to an archeological site with a beautiful view of the town and a lake. Then we had amazing shrimp and fish (which I do eat being a vegetarian but I don't like the fact I have to see its eyes and spine) and of course some leones, the cheap beer here.

After making com quesadillas, Carlos came home from work on Sat. (people generally work here on Saturdays) and he brought home a little white puppy- given its my birthday soon I was hoping, but knew it wasn't for me as we are not that close yet. Every so often her brings home a dog the clinic cannot accomodate for the weekend so that was exciting playing with a two months old little mexican puppy. Temping to get one of my own....We watch a crucial Mexican movie called Infierno about the violence and drug wars going on in the north of the country- exaggerated, but Susy swears it true. I have my own opinions about what is happening but I am also continually learning.

Then Sunday, we went to Colomos to ride horses. Its a park inside the city and Ismael, his GF and Susy and I went. She wanted to get on my horse since she knows I know how to ride but she ended up having a lazy skinny horse anyways so had nothing to worry about. I got to trot and cantor a little bit which was fun. But when I go to the beach in mexico I want to really ride horses....

Then we went shopping in Zapopan, a district outside GDL and had a nieve de gafarra or something which was amazing ice cream and did a little shopping for shoes and whatnot.

SUCH A FUN WEEKEND. I feel like an expert with buses and now know so many more foods and places after three days of traveling around. Love it! Here are pics to prove it all:

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