Saturday, September 8, 2007

happy days

hey! I am good! It is so weird that I am the international student and that I am living abroad! It is great here though, my host mom usually takes off for the weekends to hike and stuff in Burgos and party but she prepares all my meals it is cute and has them ready on the stove even if she isn’t home. She makes bomb potato pancakes and vegetables here! She was telling me last night about how she only hunts sick and old animals under a controlled environment because I made a comment about being a vegetarian and having dead animals on the wall and she said “oh no one has ever said anything!” Then she was laughing a lot.
She says that some people think she is crazy but she is really just happy and smiley and that as long as you have happiness and that as long as you are responsible that’s all you need in this life. I really like her. She has a good work ethic too. She was making fun of herself that she does not have a boyfriend or husband and I said I don’t either and she was like well, friends and studying now and boyfriend later and that all the women that she hosted like me broke up with their boyfriends at home.
I have been walking a lot a lot here! School is a good ten minute walk and downtown is a little further! The German guys I was on the plane on my way over here were in the cafe I was at with my friends near the Guggenheim. So there were like 30 of them and then they did a demonstration near the museum with whips (cracking them) and dancing with clapping and then threw their partners in the air and spun them around.
I went to the Guggenheim museum today. It reminded me of my 8th grade Spanish trip to Bilbao and all over Spain. I did not remember before but being at the museum reminded me of the trip.
I am trying to decide if I want to buy a phone here…hmmmmm

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