Sunday, September 16, 2007

My First Weekend in Bilbao

Here are som pictures of Bilbao!

We had the first rain of the season today, and they say that the weather here can change like the flip of a coin and that is very true! I went out on the metro today with my two friends, Nikki and Matt and we were walking looking for two things specifically, a mall and sangria and found neither! Anyways we came back to Deusto where we live and walked around the big park and had some gelato. But it was hot all day and kinda muggy and then it started pooring! So I got home just in time before it was crazy. The thunder here is amazing too.
This weekend a lot of my friends went to San Sebastian, a little beach town an hour or so closer to France. Some people also went to the Atletico club game at the stadium here. The soccer games here are huge for AC since they are all basque players born in the basque country (which is mostly northern spain). I am going to wait until AC plays Real Madrid in a week, because that is going to be a great game!
Going out to the bars and discotecas is a huge thing here and people don't come home until 5 or 6 in the morning which is crazy! But I met some really nice people from France and Germany who are completely happy to talk to Americans and who both speak English and Spanish pretty well! Well it is pooring here and will be rainning for the next three days, but i love it! This week of classes was great, however it is wierd how i have class in the morning from about 10-12 or 1 and then siesta until 4 and an afternoon class. It is really interesting learning other perspectives in Europe regarding world politics and history.

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